About Us

The GISI was born in 2007 as a result of earnest endeavors by the Founder Members. It is duly registered as ‘Gastrointestinal Infection Society of India’ under the Societies Act XXI of 1860. GISI began its operations with a view to work in line with the aspirations and objectives of some of the renowned gastroenterologists of the world. The society commenced its working with a membership of just 14 members. Down the line, GISI has been successful in developing its strength. The society currently maintains a membership of 257 members. The active members of GISI have been vigorously involved in creating awareness about gastrointestinal problems by holding conferences throughout the country. The efforts of the GISI members have filled the long standing need for generating alertness in the minds of people as regards common gastrointestinal infections. The primary objective of GISI is to disseminate information related to GI problems. The society attempts to act as a forum of discussion for gastroenterologists, microbiologists and other health care professionals dealing with gastrointestinal infections. Your feedback, suggestions and queries are most welcome. If you have anything to share, ask or suggest, please do write to us. We shall be profusely delighted to hear from you.